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Amazing virtual reality games to learn languages and mathematics (VR headset included)

Heromask Mathematics packaging

Heromask MathematicsDouble pack: Lang. + Math. (web only)
$80 $60$99 $80

Manufacturer's official website. Best price guarantee: If you find it cheaper, we will match it. The products listed here are new. Looking for second hand? Check here.

During this time of the year and due to the high volume of orders, we cannot guarantee the exact delivery date. If you want to be sure of when you'll receive it, please contact us.

Buy Stock: 20+

Buy Stock: 20+

Heromask VR headset
Heromask Mathematics videogames: Multiplication tables, substraction, addition, division...
App updates and new games included free

Heromask VR headset
Heromask Languages videogames: Spanish, French, German, Italian, English and Chinese included
Heromask Mathematics videogames: multiplication tables, subtraction, addition, division…
App updates and new games included free
This pack is web exclusive

Free shipping to all Europe and United States: We ship with Amazon FBA, so it's quite fast!

Heromask LanguagesDouble pack: Languages + Mathematicsnew
59 £4167 £49

Double discount applied: Save by buying on the official website and in advance
Limited units!

Buy Stock: 16

Buy Stock: 0

Heromask VR headset
Heromask Languages videogames: Spanish, French, German, Italian, English and Chinese included
App updates and new games included free

Heromask VR headset
Heromask Languages videogames: Spanish, French, German, Italian, English and Chinese included

Heromask Mathematics videogames: multiplication tables, subtraction, addition, division…

App updates and new games included free

The double package is sold exclusively on the official website

Free shipping to United Kingdom: We ship with Amazon FBA, so delivery is usually very fast

International and United States shipping: We are also on Amazon United States. Click here to buy on Amazon USA or ship Worldwide

Heromask Languages (2nd hand)Double pack: Languages + Mathematics (2nd hand)new
59 £2767 £35

All our new Heromask have been sold out. But dont worrie you can still get your a second hand unit at a lower price. We've checked the product to make sure there fuctioning as good as new. Althowgh they may present scratches on the front part of the headset. Double discount applied: Save by buying on the official website and in advance
Limited units!

Buy Stock: 20+

Buy Stock: 20+

Heromask VR headset
Heromask Languages videogames: Spanish, French, German, Italian, English and Chinese included
App updates and new games included free

Heromask VR headset
Heromask Languages videogames: Spanish, French, German, Italian, English and Chinese included

Heromask Mathematics videogames: multiplication tables, subtraction, addition, division…

App updates and new games included free

The double package is sold exclusively on the official website

Free shipping to United Kingdom: We ship with Amazon FBA, so delivery is usually very fast

International and United States shipping: We are also on Amazon United States. Click here to buy on Amazon USA or ship Worldwide

The VR goggles can also be used by the whole family to watch videos or play other virtual reality video games.

Got the math version for our 7yo - he loves it! It's more than just a math video game now - not to mention watching him jump around playing the games was pretty funny.
- Kevin (Amazon review) -


  • New model. The built-in mechanical button has been improved (no batteries required). Much better finishing materials. VR headset with Interpupillary adjustment (fits both kids and adults).

🌎 [HEROMASK VIDEOGAMES] Award-winning educational games for children aged 5, 6, 7, 8 ..., up to 12 years old. Press the button to launch laser beams!

  • LANGUAGES: Children will learn languages having a lot of fun. It helps to learn the following languages: Spanish, French, Italian, German, English and Chinese.
  • MATHEMATICS: Children will learn mathematics while having a lot of fun. It helps to learn the multiplication tables, subtraction, addition, division…


  • All iPhone's from version 5s are compatible with virtual reality (except if they have iOS 12 installed), but some Android smartphones are not. Comment below your Android model. We will find for you if it is compatible with VR or not. Shop with confidence!
My son truly will go out of his way to avoid anything math related. He now begs me to let him have extra time on his math headset. He is starting to memorize his multiplication cause his focused on beating his last score. Thank you for this amazing product.
- Kimberly (Amazon review) -

He is using them everywhere so he is learning and acquiring vocabulary in German and Chinese. I am sure he will never forget it because he is learning and playing at the same time.
I was doubting of buying this item at the beginning , but the Heromask team was lovely. They helped me a lot and cleared up all my questions. Getting it as a present for a kid has been a wise choice and his parents are delighted with it.

- (Anonymous Amazon review) -

Comments 28

    1. Hello Cialis,
      I’m Raquel from Heromask, I hope you are well. Thank you for your good wishes.
      We’re here to serve you
      Raquel Rojas

    1. Ciao, il mio nome è Katty del team Heromask, è un piacere per me aiutarti.
      Entrambi i pacchetti (opaco e lingua) includono una serie di giochi, ma non sono gli unici! Essendo una piattaforma di gioco, ci aggiorniamo costantemente e ne aggiungiamo di nuovi senza costi aggiuntivi. Un paio di anni fa includeva solo l’inglese e il cinese, e ora si possono imparare 6 lingue diverse e la matematica con una grande varietà di giochi con diverse difficoltà e per tutti i gusti. Heromask Idiomas è per imparare il vocabolario, rivedere le lingue conosciute e/o scoprire le lingue che il bambino non conosce ancora. Attualmente include 19 famiglie di parole in 6 lingue. Con Heromask Maths si può praticare l’addizione, la sottrazione, la moltiplicazione e la divisione (soprattutto le ultime due possono essere una sfida anche per i bambini più grandi!) ed è un ottimo strumento per allenare l’aritmetica mentale.
      Oltre a questi giochi, si può anche utilizzare il visore di realtà virtuale per giocare ad altri giochi, o guardare video o film. Sul nostro sito web puoi trovare una vasta selezione di giochi da scaricare e ottenere il massimo da Heromask!
      Se hai ulteriori domande non esitare a contattarci via WhatsApp al: +34 644 776 771 e saremo felici di aiutarti.

      Cordiali saluti,

      Katty León

    1. Hello! Sure, please contact us on WhatsApp on the +34 644776 77 1 , and we’ll do the necessary 🙂
      Have a great day!

    1. Hello, my name is Katty from Heromask team, for me it is a pleasure to assist you.
      Regarding your concern, I have good news the Samsung Galaxy S20+ is fully compatible! The requirements that we have reviewed to give you this answer are as follows:
      – Operating system higher than Android 4.4 or later model iPhone 5S with iOS 11, 13 or 14: OK
      – Does not exceed the maximum size (16.5 cm long by 7.6 cm wide and 1.1cm thick): OK, it fits perfectly
      – Gyroscope sensor: OK
      If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to write via WhatsApp through the number: +34 644 776 771 and we will gladly assist you.

      Best regards,

      Katty León

  1. Heromask no funcionó, mi hija estaba muy feliz por tenerlo y no sirvió porque el código que dan para registrarte siempre me decía que era incorrecto luego pedí varias veces ayuda como indica en las instrucciones y no me atendieron hasta varios días después solo para decir que tienen muchos clientes en espera y que están atendiendo por orden. Que tristeza sintió mi hija después de todo esto.

    1. Hola Carla

      Feliz Navidad soy Raquel de Heromask, espero estés muy bien. Si tenemos un gran volumen de clientes y el mensaje es automático
      Voy a guiarte paso a paso y así podemos chequear en que parte te has detenido.

      El primer paso es registrarte en https://www.edinventa.com/games/ allí debes colocar tu email y el código que ha venido dentro de la caja. si no te llega el email no te preocupes haz el siguiente paso.

      El segundo paso es descargar la aplicación, puedes hacerlo aquí https://www.edinventa.com/es/download/ y debes introducir el mismo email y el código de activación.

      Te aconsejo que sigas las instrucciones del video: https://youtu.be/vuyQv6BBYbc
      Los códigos los encuentras en un flyer que viene dentro del paquete. Para que no tengas dudas te envío una imagen referencial https://d.pr/i/43JPuD, debes escribirlo en mayúsculas. Otro error que cometen algunos cliente es no aceptar la politica de privacidad, recuerda hacerlo
      Quiero que nos disculpes con tu hermosa princesa, espero que esto sirva para registrarte, recuerda colocar el mismo email y el código en mayúsculas al iniciar la aplicación, segun mi experiencia te he descrito los errores mas comunes. Espero puedas hacerlo

      Si aun no puedes hacerlo, escribe a nuestro whatsApp + 34 644776771, sera un placer atenderte.

      Saludos Cordiales

      Raquel Rojas

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